Denim & Cord Fiddle Muff is a tactile, multi-sensory product.
As dementia progresses, a person can find it hard to interpret, process and adapt to environmental and psychosocial stimulation. Which in turn, can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety and agitation. With the result that is may display as aggression.
Used in Europe since 1960, sensory stimulation has shown to be hugely beneficial by encouraging positive behaviours, achieving or maintaining a state of well-being, and helping with relaxation.
To facilitate this using an aid such as a Fiddle Muff can help bring enjoyment and fun to people living with dementia, help fight anxiety and depression while increasing social interaction.
What is a Denim & Cord Fiddle Muff?
The Denim & Cord Fiddle Muffs is a tactile, multi-sensory product that uses a mixture of fabric and colour to make them irresistibly tactile and more interesting. Used to keep the hands busy the Fiddle Muff can help exercise fingers, improve circulation and provide an alternative to tearing up tissues or skin picking.
Choosing the right product
When choosing a Fiddle Muff, remember that everyone reacts differently to new things. All things considered, the product purchased should suit the individual and their situation and most importantly be a choice of the recipient to participate.
- Denim and Cord Material
- Machine washable
- Detachable parts
- Size: 250mm wide x 200mm deep
- Weight: 225gm (approx.)
- Attractive for both males and females
- Improved circulation
- Owners are comforted and calmer
- Multi-sensory stimulation
- Keeps hands occupied
- Can contribute to reduced medication
- Provides a less-expensive, drug-free therapy option.
NOTE: Please assess user for suitability, Stress ball can easily detach or damage if put under stress.
VAT relief available – Yes