Memory Box


Find’s Memory Box is a secure, personal display cabinet for the safe-keeping of recognisable, personal memorabilia. The Dementia Memory Box is a great tool for inciting conversation and recalling memories.

Used extensively in care homes, they have proved a practical and attractive tool. (Typically they are located outside a resident’s room to aid with orientation).

Memory Boxes can prompt conversation and provide mental and emotional stimulation. For a person living with dementia, the items or objects in a memory box can help them recall people and events from their past.




Find’s Memory Box is designed to go outside bedroom doors – think of them as an alternative to a front garden or window box. A key point of the product is to enable residents to recognise their own bedroom door and feel a sense of ownership, comfort, belonging and satisfaction when finding their own personal space. Items to include in the memory box should give a noticeably clear message of “what’s important to me.”

However, that may not always be as easy as you’d think. Although it may be true that the year is 2022, due to their dementia, each resident may be living in a different year. For that reason, it is important to remember is that the time will change as their dementia progresses, therefore the items that populate their memory box will need updating over the months to come. Think about yourself– your family, friends, work life, hobbies, and major events of today and then ask yourself, what were things like ten years earlier and ten years before that? There are bound to be significant changes, and how can a person recognise something that in their “time period” hasn’t yet happened?

It is important not to make any assumptions when helping a resident decide what to include in their Memory Box. Someone in their 80’s may have been married for 60 years – but not necessarily happily (as divorce in the past was very much frowned up); they may have had one job all their lives, not necessarily because they loved it – more likely they didn’t have a choice (some will still remember the days when a job was for life). Other residents may have had more than one family – modern day living – which family do they associate with? Always aim to include items that clearly

  • A memory box is an excellent aid to orientation
  • Creates and attractive point of interest
  • Stimulates conversational interaction
  • Provides carers with valuable information about the owner’s life history
  • Reinforces confidence that ‘this is my room’
  • Clear unbreakable face
  • Removeable shelf
  • Secure hidden fixings
  • Velcro friendly interior (no pins or blue-tak required)
  • Light Oak finish
  • Weight 1.8 Kg – 2.4Kg
Product versions
  1. 300(w)x300(h)x60(d)mm
  2. 300(w)x400(h)x60(d)mm (standard product)
  3. 400(w)x400(h)x60(d)mm

VAT relied eligible – Yes

Read More about why a memory box is important

Find Memory Care