Decades Memory Cards
Coming up with an activity that is both fun and purposeful is often more difficult than it seems. But for a person with dementia, taking part in an activity will help stimulate their cognitive function which is essential for health and wellbeing.
Incorporating decades memory cards into your dementia activity program can improve both communication and social interaction. This also leads to a reduction in stress levels whilst providing mental stimulation.
Engaging healthcare settings are especially important and should always be a key factor for the wellbeing of patients and residents.
In a care setting, a comprehensive approach to wellbeing has numerous positive outcomes. Overall, Decades Book brings to life people and memories.
Helping a person with dementia to be active and involved in life can greatly improve their quality of life. Furthermore reducing agitation and improving sleep can also benefit nutrition.
Above all, the Decades Cards are a terrific reminiscence aid and way to find out more about residents’ likes and dislikes.
- Decades Cards help to Increase aa sense of self-esteem
- Feeling of calm and content
- Reduced stress levels
- Improve patience and concentration
- Increase memory
- Social Interaction
- Mental stimulation
- Social Interaction
Offer a varied activity program.
- Physical
- mental,
- social
- creative activities
- sensory
- reminiscence.
Decades Cards is also a perfect gift for a loved one.
Stimulating the mind
Recommendations given in the 2011 World Alzheimer’s Report suggest that routinely providing individualized cognitive stimulation to those with mild to moderate stages of dementia can produce short-term improvements and/or reduce the decline in cognitive function.
Find out why activates are important here