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Dementia Statistics Support the Need for Change

Statistics to support the need for change

DSDC research project

Enhanced a hospital ward environment by improving the lighting, flooring, signage and toilet areas. The results were: 

  • 70% reduction in slips, trips and falls
  • 60% reduction in agitation and aggression 
  • 50% reduction in incontinence episodes 

Bawley E

Designing for Alzheimer’s Disease strategies for creating better care environments

  • 90% of challenging behaviours are caused by the environment and other people

Cambridge University Hospital research findings 

  • A person with dementia is twice as likely to fall as someone without dementia 
  • 42% of patients who fall are dehydrated
  • 1 in 4 hospital beds are in use by a person with dementia

The Symptoms of Dementia and how the Environment has an Impact

  • Memory loss – where am I, why am I here, I don’t recognise anyone, anything, anywhere 
  • Communication skills – forgetting words, not able to speak/explain/ask clearly. Not able to understand what is being said 
  • Emotions – a person with dementia may forget people and places but not how a person makes them feel 
  • Visual perception – lack of spatial awareness (2D & difficulty judging distances), tunnel vision/loss of ability to distinguish between colours 
  • Loss of ability to apply logic and reason (sense danger). Unable to sequence events correctly 
  • Experience increased levels of stress and anxiety 
  • Easily confused and disorientated 


  • Age related ailments – sight, hearing, physical fitness, height, chronic conditions such as high/low blood pressure, diabetes, stroke or heart issues 

Challenging behaviour is very rarely a symptom of dementia, but more likely caused by the environment and people

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